Thank You, God, for taking great care of our family. We are blessed to have each other and have added Todd, Sara’s husband, to our family.

Cheers to celebrating life and all that God has blessed us with.

To Steve, we miss you. we love you. You are a part of our lives and our story forever.

Personally, I am embracing the adventure of creating a life I love and sharing our message of hope- who we are and what we value is important- you and your life matter. As a mom, I am supporting our three adult daughters to have the courage to discover who they are, what they want, and how to play a small role in something bigger than themselves.

Professionally, I am committed to honoring who we are and the unique gifts we have to share, through the power of our life work. We have expanded the Patterson Sports Ventures brand and are blessed to be working in the US, New Zealand, and Australia.

Philanthropically, we are devoted to G.I.V.E.H.O.P.E. to the next generation and train them to be champions in their lives.